Category Archives: From the Pastor’s Desk

Removing Barriers

What are some barriers that prevent people from hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  What are some barriers that prevent us from sharing the Gospel with certain people? Today, we want to discuss some of the answers to these two questions and address them with a third question: "What would Jesus do?"  You see, Jesus gave…
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Overcoming Fear

What prevents many Christians from sharing the life-giving, world-changing news of the Gospel?  What is it that keeps us from sharing God's grace in personal, powerful ways?   It is fear. Now sometimes fear is a good, God-given gift  for the purpose of preserving our life.  More often than not, however, it becomes an excuse to…
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The Master Bomber

"We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19) or you could say "We Grace Bomb because He first Bombed us"  In my last message I introduced the idea of sharing God's grace through Grace Bombs.  But why would anyone want to give a surprise, generous gift to someone they might not even know,…
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Grace Built

We tend to think of relationships as transactions: we give to get.  But if you have put your trust in Jesus Christ alone to deliver you from sin and lead you, you have experienced grace - getting something that we neither paid for nor ever have the capacity to repay.  You have experienced what it…
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A Faith Big Enough for the Bad Times

What is your faith system like?  What is yours like?  Is it big enough to answer the hard questions?  Can it sustain you when the bottom falls out in your life? We all have a faith system. Whether it is secular humanism, which puts faith in things like chance, the goodness of man, and the…
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Back to School With God – Part 3

This week we wrap up our series with an in-depth look at one of the most essential elements of God's training for us.  Some people take full advantage of this crucial aspect of Christianity, others despise it, to their own loss. I am speaking of the church.  As believers, we are all part of the…
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Back to School with God – Part 2

Do you sometimes feel confused about God?  You wonder where He is or what in the world is He doing?  You wonder why He is letting certain things happen to you or why He isn't relieving the pain you experiencing.  Please know that God never abandon's His own, but He does let them experience difficulty…
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Justice for All – Helping the Poor

Our world is filled with poverty.  While we in the Western world know prosperity like never before, the majority of the world's population struggles with many dying of starvation on a daily basis.  The problems are staggering and more than any of us can handle, if we only look at the whole. If however, we…
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Justice for All – What is the Proper View of LGBTQ?

In this continuing look at issues of injustice, we come to questions regarding the LGBTQ community: Should they be a protected class?  What special accommodations should we be giving them?  Do we need to reconsider our traditional views of what it means to be human, to be male or female?  How should Christians be responding…
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Justice for All – Solutions to Racism

July 25, 2021 - Previously we looked at the problem of racism in the message found here; now we want to talk about how we should address it. It is good that there are many conversations being held in our country discussing this very topic, unfortunately, some of the conclusions being drawing are at least as…
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