Carols of Christmas and Their Stories

Have you ever wondered what led to the writing of “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” or “Go Tell it on the Mountain”? In our children’s Christmas program this year, they will not only perform some of your favorite Christmas Songs, but will also be telling you the stories behind them. Come out at 6:30 tonight for this special service! Live Stream Link on YouTube

The Nutcracker Suite

The Nutcracker is a story of a battle between good and evil.  In Clara’s dream, she is thrown into a world where the evil mouse queen desires to rule the kingdom.  But Clara and the Nutcracker fight to restore goodness and peace to the land of sweets. While we know that the Nutcracker is a fictional fairytale, the battle between good and evil is very real.  The good news is that the end has already been determined, because Jesus conquered the enemy when He died on the cross to pay the price for our sin, and then came back to …

Political Issues and the Church

A few years ago I preached a series of messages on topics that are often considered “political” and therefore not discussed in polite churches.  It was my desire in those messages to point out that many such topics are actually issues of morality and the bible has much to say about them, therefore the church should as well. As we get ready to vote on Tuesday, I wanted to make those messages easily available for you to review as you prepare to vote.  I believe the privilege of voting is actually a trust God has given to American citizens and …

The Word of God

Today we welcome a guest speaker, Tyler Henry.  Tyler will be speaking to us from Psalm 19 and will also share with us regarding a campus ministry he is a part of, Ratio Christi.  The two topics go hand in hand, and we are looking forward to God using him to challenge and bless us through his ministry here.  I hope you will join us!

Follow This Pattern

If we are honest, we have to admit that we are often following examples.  Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are imitating people frequently.  We begin life by imitation whoever raises us.  At school, we tend to imitate classmates we look up to.  In athletics or the arts, we are following the pattern our coach, music teacher, or dance instructor demands.  On our own we copy our heroes in those fields and in our careers, we follow our mentors. But we have to be careful, are the people we are following and copying leading us to a good place?  Are we …

Ballet Recital

Daughters of the King Ballet presents their 2024 Spring Recital!    Just click on the link below.

What Makes a Baptist Baptist?

As you well know there are hundreds of church varieties.  Not only are there different religions, but within the different religions, there are different sub-groups.  Under the broad heading of “Christian”, there are Catholics and Protestants.  Under Protestants, there is an incredible diversity of denominations.  Some of the more well-known ones are Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Baptist, each having a variety of sub-groups within them. Today I want to address what sets traditional Baptists apart from these other denominations?  What makes us unique, why do we generally worship and function apart from these other groups?  While the answer to this …

Current Events From a Biblical Perspective

We are taking a break from the Philippians study to talk about the events happening in the Middle East.  It is important that we take the time to filter what we hear, see, and feel through a biblical perspective.  That is true for any part of life, the struggles we face at home, work, and school, and the struggles that our world at large is going through. This message takes a look first at the competing narratives that surround Palestine and the events going on there.  Following that, we will then look at what our attitudes should be as Christians …

Remembering Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We are Going

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a very important command. It was not the “Go” command that He gave before leaving earth, but it was an equally important perpetual command that calls us to come together in the midst of our going and doing. It was the command to regularly and perpetually partake of the cup and the bread together as a local church. It was a command to eat and drink in remembrance of Christ coming and dying for our sins on the cross. It was also given as a time to celebrate our unity with …