A few years ago I preached a series of messages on topics that are often considered “political” and therefore not discussed in polite churches. It was my desire in those messages to point out that many such topics are actually issues of morality and the bible has much to say about them, therefore the church should as well.
As we get ready to vote on Tuesday, I wanted to make those messages easily available for you to review as you prepare to vote. I believe the privilege of voting is actually a trust God has given to American citizens and we are wrong not to use it to influence policy, for policies affect lives. The late Charles Colson said that “Ideas have consequences and bad ideas have victims”. With our vote, we are playing a role in deciding whose ideas are going to rule our country. My desire is that you will prayerfully consider whose ideas are closest to God’s Word and vote accordingly. Here is the link to the first message, you can find the rest by following the “Political vs. Biblical” tag under “Categories” on the right side of any “Sermons” page.