Back to School With God

School. It’s a very controversial term. Some kids are excited about returning to school and will say so. Others loath the idea of returning and make that abundantly clear. What about adults? Again, we are divided. Some are glad to have the stable, six-hours-a-day, state mandated activity return. Others dread the transportation issues, the homework, the calls from the school office, or the need to begin homeschooling again. Wherever you land on this, the fact is, education is necessary and all of us should seek to be lifetime learners. This is not just true in the academic realm, it is …

Justice for All – Addressing Racism Biblically

If we believe that racism is wrong based on the objective Word of God (See “What is Our Authority“), then we should also look  to the same source for the solution of racism.  This message seeks to find a distinctively biblical method to address both our own tendencies towards bias and how to practice brining unity to a very divided world. Previously we looked at the problems with one of the current models addressing racism, Critical Race Theory, now we want to spend more time looking at a biblical view of the problem to know how to take steps to …

Moved to Prayer

What impact does watching the news have on you? What impact does the Word of God have on you?  Sometimes, it should be the same – intense prayer.  The pain, suffering, and depravity we see on the news should drive us to call out to God.  The wonder, awe, and terror that come from getting a good view of God and ourselves through the Scriptures should also drive us to God.  In fact, the more we thoughtfully read God’s Words, the more we see the world through His eyes, and the more we will want his intervention in it. Daniel …

Taking the Good News to Children

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14 NKJV) This passage emphasizes the high view Jesus had of children and the importance of us having the same.  Jesus loves kids and calls us to care for them and nourish them, not just physically and emotionally, but spiritually also.  Many times adults look at the children’s ministries of the church as something that is done simply as a practical matter to give the adults some peace and quite in the “big people’s church”, but …

Getting the Word Out

It’s extremely valuable and meant for everyone; but some countries don’t allow it.  In spite of it’s universal nature, some countries can’t get it.  Here in America, however, it can be found free online or for $1 at your local Dollar Tree.  What is it?  God’s Word, the Bible. We often don’t realize the treasure that we hold in our hands and the amazing, life-giving, life-changing message it holds.  Today, our guest speaker is going to share with us some of the ways God’s Word has changed lives and tell us about the opportunities we have to help get a …

Immanuel – God With Us

What kind of God do you have?  A distant God?  A detached God?  A God who is mostly confined to Sunday morning church services? The story of Christmas is the factual account of how the Creator God of the universe  became part of His creation by taking on human form.  It is the account of how He humbled Himself to not only rescue us from our slavery to sin and certain damnation, but to give us new life, to give us purpose, and to be with us. Can you comprehend the awesomeness of that last statement? God chose to be …

Shoebox Sunday!

Join us today as we celebrate Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Sunday here at Elimsport!  This a a kid-centered event with upbeat songs from previous Vacation Bible Schools and other special elements designed with kids in mind.  We will be learning more about Samaritan’s Purse OCC program, watch a recorded testimony of how a shoebox changed the life of a Filipino girl, and then spend some time praying for God to bless and use our shoeboxes in great ways.  I hope you can join us!

Living By Truth

I was reading over some of my daughters notes from her class on conflict resolution.  I was struck by all the ways that we as humans can be different from each other:  Different in gender, different regarding our family of origin and its structure,  different regarding our culture and ethnicity, different in temperament, different in skills, different in social status, and on and on the list goes.  These differences make us look at our world differently and interact with it differently.  It also makes it hard to determine what is truth and what is just my perspective?  What should be …

Standing Strong in the Lord – Part 2

At the time Paul was writing the letter to the Ephesian church, he was a prisoner of Rome.  Jewish leaders that hated him and  the Gospel that he preached, had brought false accusations against him.  He had a strong case for his innocence, but had appealed to see Caesar in Rome because political pressures in the Judean region were preventing him from getting a fair trial.  This resulted in a lot of waiting and a lot of time in jail or under house arrest.  Throughout this difficulty he came to know what it meant to stand strong in the Lord, …

You are Invited!

Come Join Us for Family Fun Night being held outdoors on the church grounds this Saturday night, August 8th. We are inviting you all to come out as we enjoy the space and fresh air our outdoor venue provides as we visit, see some old friends, sing some fun songs together from past Vacation Bible Schools, and then watch an animated family movie together. We know there is a lot of disappointment over events that have been cancelled or drastically changed and we wanted to provide the kids with a fun night out.  We hope you can come! We will …