Learning From the Early Church

In our first message in this series on the local church, we looked at the fact that the church was God’s idea, it is not manmade.  While man has produced many forms of church that may be very different than what God intended, make no mistake, God is the one who created and established the church.  Because of that, we want to make sure we have a good grasp of what the church should look like and what the church should be doing.

To that end, we are going to dig into Acts 2 this morning.  We want to look at the activities of the church in its earliest days.  Choosing to follow Christ was a major decision with huge implications.  It was a complete paradigm shift for those early believers.  They had much learning to do, and they needed each other’s support, something that is still true for the church today!  So, we will focus in on their activities as a church and see if Paul’s epistles, which are written years later, support those activities.  I hope you will join us as we seek to get to the core of what the church is to be about.

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