
Understanding the Battle of the Ages

Throughout history their are many examples of oppressed people waiting for deliverance.  One example is that of the French in World War 2 hoping and waiting for the Allies to deliver them from the oppression of the German occupation.  In the midst of that waiting and hoping, they had to continue to live and not loose heart.  The day that those living near the coast saw the beginning of D-Day, their faith became sight as the Allied forces began to drive the Germans back and the uniformed soldiers occupying their land no longer wore the Swastika, but rather the flags …

Trusting the God Who Finishes What He Starts

Have you ever promised in advance to do something for someone, but when the time came to follow through, you forgot?  I find it very upsetting when I realize that I have not followed through on a promise to someone.  It is easy to have good intentions on doing something but then mess up keeping that promise, whether through forgetfulness or some other limitation that keeps you from completing it.  It is part of being human; even the best fail sometimes. It is easy to transfer that human weakness to God, especially since in His wise timing, there is often …

Giving Grace to the Very End

Dane Ortland, in his book “Gentle and Lowly”, describes Christ’s desire to show grace with a story about a doctor on a mercy mission. He flies to a remote village that has never had the benefit of modern medicine to bring a cure to their illness and disease. He is traveling with all his tools and medicines, eager to bring them healing and relief. When he arrives, however, the proud and cautious tribesmen will not allow him to treat them, out of fear of the unknown and pride in their own (unsuccessful) methods. Finally, through gentle persuasion, the doctor gets …

The End of Delay

Psalm 24 tells us: “The earth is the Lord’s and all it’s fullness  the world and those who dwell therein.  For He has found it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.”  It can be hard sometimes to understand why, if the Lord is the master of the world, that it is so dark and evil.  The short answer to this is found in Ephesians 2 where we see that currently Satan is operating as the Prince of the Power of the air and he works in the “sons of disobedience”, those who are not redeemed followers of …

Special Speaker – Bill Kennedy from CEF.

Today we are excited to have with us Bill Kennedy, the Lycoming County director of Child Evangelism Fellowship. Bill became the director of CEF Lycoming County in 2000 after working for a number of years as a youth leader with middle and high school teens in church ministry. Bill’s heart is not only making sure that children have an opportunity to trust Christ through hearing the gospel, but to raise up the next generation of children’s workers through the mentoring of college and career age young adults. Working faithfully with Bill is his wife of 32 years, Mary Ann. Bill …

God and the Forces of Darkness

Have you considered the relationship between God and the forces of darkness, i.e. Satan and his demons?  Is it a classic dualism with both sides fighting neck and neck to win?  Is Satan equal to God?  Where did he come from?  What is he really like? As we continue the study in the biblical book of revelation, we come to chapter 9 and read about “the abyss” being opened and horrible creatures come out and torture many on earth.  This raises many questions about the nature of these creatures, the abyss, and the questions stated above: “Who is Satan?”, “What …

Prayer, Justice, and Judgment

As we dive into Revelation 8 in this message, there are three themes that emerge, themes that have a very significant connection. First is the theme of prayer.  Do you believe God hears and responds to your prayers?  This passage in the biblical book of Revelation shows that God indeed does hear our prayers and they have an impact on His actions, just not always as quickly as we may like. The next theme, intertwined with the prayers of the saints, is that of justice.  Many times we think God is ambivalent to the wickedness and injustice going on around …

The Goal of the Great Commission

Racism, inclusion, bias; they are all words that are emotionally and politically charged.  Sadly, throughout all of human history, on every continent, nations and people groups have fought each other.  Whether the division is racial, national, or even socio-economic, one group has always been battling the other.  Pride, power, and greed has kept these fires of division burning strong. All of this breaks the heart of God.  The world as He created it was designed for us to dwell together in peace.  The diversity we see among humans was designed as a beautiful thing, an expression of God’s creativity. Sin …

Secure in Christ

Psalm 33:16-22 reads: No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.  (NKJV) I’m just wondering, where is your hope today?  There is plenty to despair about.  It …

Remembering the Past to Lead into the Future

As we get older, we gain a treasure that cannot be had any other way: experience.   It can only be learned “the hard way”, however, its fruits can be shared.  A good person will try to pass on the treasures of wisdom he or she has gained by experience and a wise person will try to learn them.  Unfortunately, experience is often forgotten, underrated, or misused. It is sometimes forgotten by us, and we miss out on many important benefits thereby  repeating past mistakes and relearning things we once knew. It is often underrated, and people repeat mistakes  unnecessarily.  Finally, …