
Justice For All – What is our Authority?

In the battle against injustice, there is a major question that needs to be answered before we can make any significant forward progress.  We have to decide what injustice is!  Who gets to define it?  It is not until we define injustice can we set out to solve and eradicate it.  The problem is, there are many differing opinions both on what injustice is and how to fix  it, so we have to go back another layer and determine what authority source we are using to determine right from wrong. You see, the definition of right and wrong, justice and …

Justice for All

Social justice has been a major topic that has headlined news articles for over a year now.  There are very real issues of injustice in our country and in our world that need to be addressed, but sadly the whole topic has become extremely political and extremely divisive.  What is the solution?  Is there any hope for those who are hurting and in need?  How can they get justice? I am excited to begin a new series of messages today entitled “Justice for All”  I want to address the topic biblically, helping us to have a clear understanding of the …

The End of the Days

What happens at the end?  What does the Bible say about the end of the world?  What does the Bible say about the end of our life?  This week as we wrap up our study on the book of Daniel, I will be discussing both. Our main focus will be on end time issues, but that will lead us to touch briefly on the topic of “what happens when I die?”.  We will look at the topic of life after death and the final judgment.  I hope you will take the time to join us, either here online or at …

Father to the Fatherless

Not everyone, as you may well know, has had the blessing of a good dad involved in their lives.  Sadly, many our suffering even now from a “father wound” that was inflicted years ago.  Does God care?  Does He offer anything for those who have no one to say “Happy Father’s Day” to?  Absolutely!  Join us as we look at God’s claim to be a “Father to the Fatherless” and see what that means to you.

With Us to the End of Days

God’s promise to us has never been that He would make life easy.  What He has promised is that “He would never leave us nor forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5) and that if we are one of His, He would discipline us because He loves us (Hebrews 12:5) to make us more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).  Those truths have been very evident in the Daniel account of Israel’s history and the prophecies God has given there of Israel’s future. As we continue to study through Daniel 11 and 12, we see both God’s judgment and His promise to not abandon but …

Lessons on Sowing and Reaping

Daniel 11 is both an amazing and disturbing chapter.  It is amazing, because it prophesied with striking detail many world events between the end of the Old Testament and the time of Christ’s birth.  Those who reject the Bible as the supernatural Word of God are forced to deny this chapter as a product of Daniel’s writing in the 6th century B.C.  Those who believe God is the author of the Scriptures point to this chapter as one of the most spectacular examples of the accuracy of His predictions. But the chapter is also disturbing.  It shows how powerful and …

A Glimpse Behind the Scenes

Seeing is believing; but is what we see all there is?  Is what we know all there is to know? By the time we become adults we have learned that there is a lot more to life than what we already know and there is a lot happening in the world that we do not see.  In Daniel 10 we find out that is far more true than we ever realized.  We see a glimpse into the realm of the supernatural that is really mind-blowing.  I encourage you to join in today, not only to discover these startling realities, but …

Antichrist and the Raging Battle

Are you familiar with the term Antichrist?  Many people have heard the term, and figure it’s something from the book of Revelation, but did you know that the person Antichrist is mentioned throughout Scripture just not by that name?  In fact, the only books of the Bible that use that name are 1 and 2 John. But what does that have to do with us now?  Is there any value in studying about the Antichrist?  In this message I want to both explain to you who Antichrist is and why it is important that we studying him and the terrible …

Trusting That God Will Finish What He Started

Sometimes we have trust issues.  We struggle to believe that God really does love us and is working in our lives.  Bob La Forge writes, in his book Contemplating the Almighty, “To say that God is faithful or consistent is not to imply, however, that He is predictable. Much bitterness toward God results from a misconception of this. Too often we speculate and try to guess the actions of God and, therefore, develop expectations. Through our limited and often perverted reasoning, we determine the “best” for our lives and then consider God’s only reasonable response to be one of quick …

Serving God Where You Are, the Way You Are

Heroes often get celebrated, but the ordinary, can be forgotten.  The truth is though, that the world doesn’t run on heroes. The world runs on ordinary people doing good. It runs on people doing the right thing, over and over every day, unnoticed.  While heroes are needed to stop super villains, what has helped us all the most is someone using their gifts and strengths on an everyday level to help one or two people near them. The message today is meant to help encourage everyone to recognize the ways that God has uniquely shaped and placed each of them …