
How do you handle success?

We often hear that difficult times are what reveals a person’s true character, but I think that prosperous times might be just as telling, just as likely to produce a fall.  How a person handles success and prosperity is just as telling of there character than how they handle a trial.  Maybe more so. In the midst of a trial, we feel our weaknesses and they often drive us to help. In the midst of successes, however, we tend to only see our strengths and accomplishments and can be blind to dangerous weaknesses and tendencies that may ruin us.  This …

Taking the Good News to Children

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14 NKJV) This passage emphasizes the high view Jesus had of children and the importance of us having the same.  Jesus loves kids and calls us to care for them and nourish them, not just physically and emotionally, but spiritually also.  Many times adults look at the children’s ministries of the church as something that is done simply as a practical matter to give the adults some peace and quite in the “big people’s church”, but …

Getting the Word Out

It’s extremely valuable and meant for everyone; but some countries don’t allow it.  In spite of it’s universal nature, some countries can’t get it.  Here in America, however, it can be found free online or for $1 at your local Dollar Tree.  What is it?  God’s Word, the Bible. We often don’t realize the treasure that we hold in our hands and the amazing, life-giving, life-changing message it holds.  Today, our guest speaker is going to share with us some of the ways God’s Word has changed lives and tell us about the opportunities we have to help get a …

In Your Eyes, How Big is Your God?

One way we know very quickly how big our God is to us is when we have to chose between Him and something else, especially if that something else is our life. In America, in our lifetimes, it has been very rare that someone has had to choose between their allegiance to God and their life.  It has happened, but it has been rare.  More often, we have to chose on a much smaller scale how important, how big, our God is to us, but how we answer the little questions indicate how we would answer the big one. In …

Trusting the God Who Holds the Future

Can anyone accurately tell the future?  Even more significantly, can anyone control the distant future, especially as it concerns world events? If you met such a person, would you trust them? Daniel chapter 2 clearly states that no human can tell the future.  It also states, however, that God can.  In fact, He doesn’t just know it, He controls it.  He has also chosen to make some of it known to us.  This week I think we will begin to see why the book of Daniel is known for its prophecy.  Chapter two of Daniel tells us about Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic …

The Importance of One

Do you feel frustrated and helpless when watching the news, wondering what you can possible do to bring good in such a dark time?  What can one person do? Do you feel small in a world where powerful companies and superstars seem to dominate everywhere? Do you feel insignificant when you look at the talented, beautiful, handsome, skilled, wealthy, (the list goes on and on) people around you? The message planned for this weeks service (1/17 @ 10:45) is all about the power, value, and influence of one person.  It’s not about being a superhero or a millionaire or a …

Handling an Impossible Situation

Sometimes we can find ourselves faced with a crisis that just appears out of the blue.  Maybe it is a sudden health emergency, the unwelcome news of a job ending abruptly, a fire, a family member in trouble, or a crisis at work that you have to deal with unexpectedly.  What do you do?  What is your way of handling crisis?  Do you clam up, withdraw, become frantic, get angry, or dig a hole and hide? How should we handle a crisis, a problem, a roadblock? This message today looks at a situation that Daniel and his friends were suddenly …

Daniel – Living Godly in an Ungodly World

Imagine the world as you know it crashing down all around you.  One of your best kings just died in battle 3 years ago and his son who is now ruling is lousy.  Your country is being defeated and you have been taken away as a conquest of war.  All the while your God is just allowing this to happen and doing nothing to stop it.  What would you do? Daniel was in such a place, and he responded by remaining faithful to His God, obeying Him, and making wise choices even when it put him in danger.  He trusted …

Immanuel – God With Us

What kind of God do you have?  A distant God?  A detached God?  A God who is mostly confined to Sunday morning church services? The story of Christmas is the factual account of how the Creator God of the universe  became part of His creation by taking on human form.  It is the account of how He humbled Himself to not only rescue us from our slavery to sin and certain damnation, but to give us new life, to give us purpose, and to be with us. Can you comprehend the awesomeness of that last statement? God chose to be …

Christmas Eve

Are you enjoying this Christmas season?  Have you been able to spend much time thinking about the real reason behind it all?  There is a lot that can keep us from enjoying the season or remembering the reason for it, especially in 2020! Take a minute out of all your busyness and join us for an opportunity to reflect on the real Christmas story.  I love the many different performances of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, “The Polar Express” is fun to watch, and “The Grinch” has always been a favorite, but none of those really speak to the reason we …