
Ministry Trip Presentation

Today Abigail is going to be sharing with us about a recent ministry trip she took to Ethiopia with her college professor and a classmate. They were part of the team helping out with an international children’s ministry conference. She will be telling about her experiences, the people, and how God impacted her heart for international ministry to children.

Daughters of the King Ballet

The Nutcracker is a story of a battle between good and evil.  In Clara’s dream, she is thrown into a world where the evil mouse queen desires to rule the kingdom.  But Clara and the Nutcracker fight to restore goodness and peace to the land of sweets. While we know that the Nutcracker is a fictional fairytale, the battle between good and evil is very real.  The good news is that the end has already been determined, because Jesus conquered the enemy when He died on the cross to pay the price for our sin, and then came back to …

Jesus, the Ultimate Fulfillment or “What Can We Learn from a Genealogy?”

In our Boys Only Club we have been looking at the reliability of God’s Word and the fact that every word in the Bible was put there on purpose by God. Sometimes, however, we treat parts of the Bible as less important than others, such as genealogies. Who wants to read a long list of hard to pronounce names? What meaning do they have for us? Well today, as we look at Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment, we will see that genealogies can be very important, and God knew what He was doing when He started the book of Matthew …

Ministry Trip Presentation

Today we have one of the young men who grew up in our church sharing about a ministry trip he was on.  He has had the desire for a long time to go on such a trip and God worked out the perfect timing so that desire could be fulfilled last month. Curtis has come back excited about what he has seen God doing in Asia and he is eager to share it with us this morning.  I am eager to hear all about it and invite you to join in as well!

Becoming Humbly Grateful

Pride and thankfulness don’t mix.  Thankfulness acknowledges that you have been given something, something that someone chose to give you.  Thankfulness acknowledges some form of exchange that you came out ahead on.  On the other hand, pride tends toward the attitude that someone owes you something.  Pride is demanding, it says people owe me. The other side of this coin is the fact that humility fosters thankfulness and thankfulness fosters humility.  They tend to build on each other.  The more we focus on what we have been given from God, the more humbled we become by His generosity.  This is …

Shoebox Sunday!

Today is a special day on our church calendar and one of our favorites.  For the past several weeks we have been collection shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Today we will be praying over them and dedicating them to the Lord’s use.  These shoeboxes have been known to literally change the life of a child and we pray God gets just the right box to just the right child to do just that! Our service will be very different today, with the children remaining in the auditorium with us for the whole service.  We will be celebrating children, giving, and …

Current Events From a Biblical Perspective

We are taking a break from the Philippians study to talk about the events happening in the Middle East.  It is important that we take the time to filter what we hear, see, and feel through a biblical perspective.  That is true for any part of life, the struggles we face at home, work, and school, and the struggles that our world at large is going through. This message takes a look first at the competing narratives that surround Palestine and the events going on there.  Following that, we will then look at what our attitudes should be as Christians …

Remembering Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We are Going

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a very important command. It was not the “Go” command that He gave before leaving earth, but it was an equally important perpetual command that calls us to come together in the midst of our going and doing. It was the command to regularly and perpetually partake of the cup and the bread together as a local church. It was a command to eat and drink in remembrance of Christ coming and dying for our sins on the cross. It was also given as a time to celebrate our unity with …

Working to be Conspicuous

Standing out can be a good thing…or a bad thing.  It all depends what you stand out for.  I remember a classmate in college that would often walk into class late with his thick hair sporting a serious case of pillow head.  He stood out! It is much better to stand out for a good reason, like being godly.  We are looking at Philippians 2 and when Paul finished describing the example of Jesus Christ coming to earth as a man to die on the cross for us, he makes an application for us.  He tells us to “work out” …

Worshiping Our Exalted Christ

It has been the goal of Satan down through time to rob Jesus Christ of the glory that He deserves.  He not only works to keep unbelievers from the truth, but is very active deceiving believers.  Some of his most destructive work is causing confusion and false teaching in the church. Our passage for today in Philippians 2 speaks to the heart of the Gospel, the deity of Jesus Christ and His current position on His throne in heaven.  The truths of this passage cut to the heart of some of the most damnable heresies of Satan.  It also addresses …