The Joy of Knowing Christ as Your King

I just can’t get away from the theme of “Jesus is King.”  We began looking at this in the last message, the fact that Jesus came in fulfillment of many prophecies naming Him ruler and King, not just of Israel, but of the world.  In fact, this is why Herod ordered the massacre of all the babies that first Christmas, because the wise men came to worship the newborn “King of the Jews”, and indeed, that is what Pilot also called Him when He crucified Him.

In talking about His Kingship, we also talked about His goodness, His love and mercy on us.  Today I want to go further in that theme, looking at the nature of King Jesus and the works of King Jesus from a personal point of view: “What is it like when you consciously rest in the Lordship of King Jesus?”  I trust this sermon will bless you and help you do just that.

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