Throughout history their are many examples of oppressed people waiting for deliverance. One example is that of the French in World War 2 hoping and waiting for the Allies to deliver them from the oppression of the German occupation. In the midst of that waiting and hoping, they had to continue to live and not loose heart. The day that those living near the coast saw the beginning of D-Day, their faith became sight as the Allied forces began to drive the Germans back and the uniformed soldiers occupying their land no longer wore the Swastika, but rather the flags of Allied nations. The relief was incredible.
We today, whether we realize it or not, are living in a world occupied by the worst enemy of all time – Satan. We live under his oppression – it is seen all around us. If you are a follower of Jesus, however, you have a solid hope: that one day Jesus will return and take the throne here on earth. All evil will be driven out and we will enjoy the glories of His rule.
Revelation 12, the subject of this message, describes the beginnings of this change, this deliverance. It gives us a picture of Satan’s nature, his occupation here on earth, and his efforts to stop our deliverer, Jesus Christ. It also gives us a glimpse of how sure our deliverance is. I trust this message will help you understand the nature of the battle we live under so that you can be on guard, but that it will also fill your soul with hope.