The Beginning and End of False Religion – Revelation 17

False religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better.  They think they are okay and therefore are not seeking help. Dr. John MacArthur Jr. writes “All the false religions of the world are attempts to run from the true God. They’re all satanic counterfeits sending men in the opposite direction from God. Isaiah 53, verse 6 sums it up: “All we like sheep have gone astray, turned everyone to his own way.” We’re like sheep …

The Final Judgment of This World

Justice requires judgment.  Evil cannot ultimately coexist with justice and righteousness.  Contrary to popular belief, however, God is not eager to judge.  He is actually very slow to do it.  In the Bible, in 2 Peter 3:9 we read, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”  God is waiting for more people to receive the gift that Jesus provided.  He is waiting for more people to turn to Him.  Justice, however, cannot wait forever.  There has to …

Regaining Perspective Part 2

Perspective colors everything: our attitude, our effort, and our perspective of success.  This message today will continue the theme of regaining a proper perspective, especially as it relates to suffering and success.  Building off of the suffering of the saints described in Revelation 13 and 14, this message will look a biblical view of life, death and suffering.  I trust it will be helpful to you in a way that gives new perspective to every part of your life!

Regaining Perspective

Sometimes life is discouraging.  It may be personal struggles, it may be injustices, it may  just be the daily grind that gets us down.  Sometimes, we need to regain perspective. Usually we think of reading the Bible as something that should help us, should encourage us. I have to admit though, that as I worked through Revelation 13 last time, I found myself being discouraged.  You see, even though I believe I will miss the events of Revelation 13, it reminded me too much of today, and it reminded me that things are unlikely to get better any time soon.  …

The Beast and His Partner in Deception Part 2

Are you a spiritual person?  The fact that you are here, reading this post  seems to indicate that you are or that you at least have some interest in the spiritual.  It is only, well, natural.  We are spiritual creatures made in the image of the True God.  Although we are a fallen and sin-corrupted image, we still are spiritual, longing to know and worship some form of deity.  Unfortunately, there are many varying religions out there claiming to point you in the “right” direction, but  only one True God, worthy of our worship.  Do you know Him?  Do you …

The Beast and His Partner in Deception Part 1

Revelation 13 paints a portrait of a future leader to whom the nations of the world will give  absolute power and worship.  It describes how the world will submit to a totalitarian form of government where even the smallest buying and selling requires  the official seal of this man on your body and any disobedience results in death.  Amazingly, we will see that the nations not only submit to this; they will cheer it. You see, in the midst of crisis, people are always looking for a deliverer.  The greater the crisis and the stronger the fear, the more people …

Understanding the Battle of the Ages Part 2

Whether we realize it or not, we are living in a world occupied by the worst enemy of all time – Satan. We live under his oppression – it is seen all around us.  The Bible tells us that the whole world lies under his sway.  He easily controls those who don’t know Christ as their Savior, but he is also powerfully at work influencing believers, tempting them and seeking to deceive them.  He also accuses them before God in heaven, seeking to provoke Him against us.  If you are a follower of Jesus, however, you have a solid hope: …

Understanding the Battle of the Ages

Throughout history their are many examples of oppressed people waiting for deliverance.  One example is that of the French in World War 2 hoping and waiting for the Allies to deliver them from the oppression of the German occupation.  In the midst of that waiting and hoping, they had to continue to live and not loose heart.  The day that those living near the coast saw the beginning of D-Day, their faith became sight as the Allied forces began to drive the Germans back and the uniformed soldiers occupying their land no longer wore the Swastika, but rather the flags …

Trusting the God Who Finishes What He Starts

Have you ever promised in advance to do something for someone, but when the time came to follow through, you forgot?  I find it very upsetting when I realize that I have not followed through on a promise to someone.  It is easy to have good intentions on doing something but then mess up keeping that promise, whether through forgetfulness or some other limitation that keeps you from completing it.  It is part of being human; even the best fail sometimes. It is easy to transfer that human weakness to God, especially since in His wise timing, there is often …